Courtesy of Michael Walden
Bible Verse 1: Genesis 12:
1-5a; 17: 1-6, 15-16
Video: Best Bible Stories for Kids-The Story of
Abraham and Sarah. Play it from about 5
minutes and it will be less confusing.
Bible Verse: Genesis 18:1-4
Five Questions:
1. Has God
ever promised you anything? How did you
2. When God
promised Abraham and Sarah that they would have a child, they doubted Him. Sarah even laughed at the idea. Why wasn’t’
God angry with them?
3. Sarah was
89 years old when God told her she would have a child. To have children was very important to her,
but she laughed. Do you think it was
nervous laughter? Do you think she was
Abraham and Sarah saw men physically at their campsite, they
heard them speak. They heard God’s
promise with their own ears. What ways
does God “speak” to us today?
Sarah had to learn to trust God the hard way. She had heard God’s promise but doubted. We have God’s promises in the form of a book
called the Bible. How
can we learn to trust God’s promises?
in prayer and ask for prayer requests.
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