Thursday, January 16, 2014

Children's Church Lesson: Esther

Say: Before I read the story I your help to tell it, ok?  This story has three important people in it; Ester, Haman and Mordecai
When you hear me say the name Ester I need you to shout “Hurray for Queen Ester!”  When you hear me say the name Haman I want you to shout “Not Haman!”  When I say the name Mordecai shout “Yeah Mordecai!”  (Practice each name)

Read “Esther” in any children's story bible.  Pause after each name.     
Why didn’t Haman like Esther and Mordecai? (Because they were Jews, followers of God)  Even though it could have gotten Esther in big trouble, she was a brave follower of God and let everyone know it!  What would you have done if you were Esther? (Allow time for responses). 

Just like Esther found out in the story, sometimes it’s not easy to be a follower of God.  We can all be brave followers of God, just like Esther, when we follow God no matter what! 
As Gods followers we should act in a way God wants us to act.  How do you think God wants us to act? (kind to others, lend a helping hand, share, tell others about God, etc.)  Lets make a decision today to follow God no matter what, OK?  

Big Idea
We can all be brave followers of God, just like Esther, when we follow God no matter what! 

Memory Verse
Trust the Lord with all your heart. – Proverbs 3:5a 

Prayer- Ask for Joys and Requests
Take a minute to see if the children have any prayer requests of joys.  Say short prayer asking God to help us follow him no matter what.  

Children will decorate a scepter top and attach it to a popsicle stick (using tape or glue stick) to make their very own scepter:

Game Options:
Follow the leader 

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