Monday, December 30, 2013

Children's church lesson: Simeon and Anna

Hold up the first pages of the story so the children can see the pictures
Say: Do you see this picture of all the smiling people?  In our story all of these people are passing around baby Jesus.  As we read we are going to play a gme.  When I pause in our story, say “Praise God!” 

Read Simeon and Anna (Jesus is dedicated) in any children's story bible .  Pause after Simeon holds up Jesus and praises God, and when Anna holds up Jesus and praises God.   
Say: Who Held the baby Jesus in our story? (Simeon and Anna)  Why are Simeon and Anna so excited? (God promised to send Jesus. God kept the promise.  Jesus is the one God sent to save us.)  Simeon and Anna praised God for keeping a promise to send Jesus to save the whole world.  How do we praise God? (Sing, pray, say thanks) 
God made a promise to send Jesus to save the whole world.  God kept that promise, and Jesus was born!  God promised to send Jesus to save us from sin.  We sin when we do things that God doesn’t want us to do.   Jesus came as a baby to save us all.  Thank you God for Jesus!  
Memory Verse
Jesus is a light to show God to all the people. – Luke 2:32
Big Idea
God made a promise to send Jesus to save the whole world.  God kept that promise, and Jesus was born! 
Prayer- Ask for Joys and Requests
Take a minute to see if the children have any prayer requests of joys.  Say short prayer thanking God for loving us and sending us his son.     

Children will decorate the name of Jesus (spelled out) using crayons, stickers, stamps and etc.   

Monday, December 9, 2013

Children's church lesson: Jesus is born!

Say:  There is a very special holiday coming soon, what is it? (Christmas)  That’s right! What does Christmas a celebration of? (Jesus’ birthday)  Yes!  Today we are going to read the story of Jesus birth.  Where was Jesus born? (In a stable)  And what was in the stable? (Animals)   You guys are so smart!  When I read about the animals I want you to make that animal sound, ok? 

Read “Jesus is Born” in the any children's story bible.  When you read the sounds the animals made, allow the children time to make those same sounds.  
Say: What a story!  Praise God!  Jesus is born!  Who were the first people to hear about Jesus birth? (The Shepherds)  Who else celebrated in the story? (Angels, Stars, Mary and Joseph, the animals)  Why is Jesus birth so important? (Jesus is the savior of the world)
That’s right!  Jesus birth is so important and such wonderful news because Jesus is the son of God.  When Jesus is born, heaven and earth celebrate God’s love!  He came to this earth so that everyone who believes in him will be with him forever!  
Memory Verse
The time came for the baby to be born. – Luke 2:6

Big Idea
When Jesus is born, heaven and earth celebrate God’s love!

Prayer- Ask for Joys and Requests
Take a minute to see if the children have any prayer requests of joys.  Say short prayer thanking God for loving us and sending us his son.     

Advent Youth Lesson Three: The Messiah is here

Game Idea: If You Love Jesus Please Smile:
Students will sit in a circle.  One student is "it" and must go around the circle and say to each student "if you love Jesus, please smile."  They can do anything to a student to smile as long as he or she does not touch the student.  The other player must resist smiling and say, "I really love Jesus, but I just can't smile."  If a smile is cracked the smiling player is now "it."

Bible Passage 1: Luke 2:21-33

Bible Passage 2: Luke 2:36-38


  1. Why do think people use advent calendars or paper chains during the Christmas season?
  2. Could you imagine waiting years to celebrate Christmas? If you knew that it was coming but didn’t know exactly when, how would you feel about waiting?
  3. Why do you think Simeon and Anna were willing to wait so long for the promised Messiah?
  4. How do you think they handled the moments when they got discouraged?
  5. Do you feel like you are waiting for something from God? Explain.
  6. Does our ability to wait for things, people, or promises say something about our hearts? Why or why not?

Wrap Up
Say: Waiting for Christmas is fairly easy for us because we know exactly when it is and how long until the day arrives. Imagine that you have been waiting years for the birth of the promised Messiah. Anna and Simeon waited years to see the Messiah; they never lost hope and they never stopped devoting themselves to God. They likely faced discouragement and frustration, but they continued to listen for God’s leading, comfort, and direction. When we listen for God’s voice and God’s leading, we discover amazing truths and witness God doing incredible things.  The Christmas Season is not just about looking back on what God has done by sending His Son, it is also a time to recognize what God is doing in our world and in our lives today as well as a time to hope and wait for what God will ultimately do when Jesus returns a second time. 

Give the students time to share prayer requests AND praises (strongly encourage students to contemplate their blessings).  Close by thanking God for sending His son and asking Him to help us remember what that really means and to trust in Jesus.   

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Children's church lesson: Mary Visits Elizabeth

Say: Today's story is about someone with really good news to share.  She had to travel a long way to share the news.  Look at this picture from the story, does anyone in this picture look happy? (Show picture from the story)  Every time you hear something happy or exciting say "Woo Hoo!" and wave your arms.  Are you ready?

Read "Mary Visits Elizabeth" in any children's story bible.  Give the children time to respond with a "Woo Hoo" whenever appropriate.  

Say: Who had good news in this story? (Mary and Elizabeth) What was the good news? (they were both going to have babies!)  Who travels to share the good news? (Mary) What happened when the good news was shared (Mary and Elizabeth were happy, sang a song, and celebrated together).  

What kinds of news do you like to share?  How do you share that news?  With whom do you like to share it?  What good news about God have you told someone about?  

When we have good news we like to share it.  The birth of Jesus is some of the greatest news ever and we need to share it with others!

Big Idea
The birth of Jesus is some of greatest new ever and we need to share it with others!  

Memory Verse
Marry hurried to visit Elizabeth. -Luke 1:39.  Remind the children that we should hurry and share the good news about Jesus birth too!

Take a minute to see if the children have any prayer requests or prayer joys.  Say a short prayer thanking God for love us and sending us his son.  Ask God to help us share the good news with others.  

Monday, December 2, 2013

Advent Lesson Two(of Three): Crazy News

Game Idea:  The Clap Game – see rules at:

Bible Passage 1: Luke 1:26-28

Video: A Social Media Christmas -

Bible Passage 2: Matthew 1: 18-25

  1. Ladies, what would it be like to be in Mary’s situation?
  2. Guys, what would it be like to be in Joseph’s situation?
  3. How do you think your family and friends would react if you were in Mary or Joseph’s situation?
  4. How did trust, or faith in God play into Mary and Joseph’s situation?
  5. How do you think God’s past faithfulness played into Mary and Joseph’s trust in God?
  6. How does trust play into our own situation as we prepare for Christmas and how does that trust effect the way we live our lives? 

Wrap Up
Say: It took a lot of trust in God for Mary and Joseph to go along with his plan.  We saw from the video that Mary and Joseph probably lost a lot of friends and family and respect because of God’s plan.  Mary and Joseph had to trust that God would do what He said He would and also trust that He would get them through their rough situation.  It takes a lot of trust for us to believe in the Christmas message too.  If we do believe that Jesus is the savior than that trust should affect what we believe about many other things and how we live our lives too.

Give the students time to share prayer requests AND praises (strongly encourage students to contemplate their blessings).  Close by thanking God for sending His son and asking for help to trust in Him the way Mary and Joseph did.