Monday, December 9, 2013

Advent Youth Lesson Three: The Messiah is here

Game Idea: If You Love Jesus Please Smile:
Students will sit in a circle.  One student is "it" and must go around the circle and say to each student "if you love Jesus, please smile."  They can do anything to a student to smile as long as he or she does not touch the student.  The other player must resist smiling and say, "I really love Jesus, but I just can't smile."  If a smile is cracked the smiling player is now "it."

Bible Passage 1: Luke 2:21-33

Bible Passage 2: Luke 2:36-38


  1. Why do think people use advent calendars or paper chains during the Christmas season?
  2. Could you imagine waiting years to celebrate Christmas? If you knew that it was coming but didn’t know exactly when, how would you feel about waiting?
  3. Why do you think Simeon and Anna were willing to wait so long for the promised Messiah?
  4. How do you think they handled the moments when they got discouraged?
  5. Do you feel like you are waiting for something from God? Explain.
  6. Does our ability to wait for things, people, or promises say something about our hearts? Why or why not?

Wrap Up
Say: Waiting for Christmas is fairly easy for us because we know exactly when it is and how long until the day arrives. Imagine that you have been waiting years for the birth of the promised Messiah. Anna and Simeon waited years to see the Messiah; they never lost hope and they never stopped devoting themselves to God. They likely faced discouragement and frustration, but they continued to listen for God’s leading, comfort, and direction. When we listen for God’s voice and God’s leading, we discover amazing truths and witness God doing incredible things.  The Christmas Season is not just about looking back on what God has done by sending His Son, it is also a time to recognize what God is doing in our world and in our lives today as well as a time to hope and wait for what God will ultimately do when Jesus returns a second time. 

Give the students time to share prayer requests AND praises (strongly encourage students to contemplate their blessings).  Close by thanking God for sending His son and asking Him to help us remember what that really means and to trust in Jesus.   

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