Thursday, September 25, 2014

Children's Lesson: The Ten Commantments

Say: Today’s story is found in the Old Testament of the bible.  Raise your hand if you have heard of the 10 Commandments.  Today’s story is about how God gave the 10 Commandments to his people through Moses.

Read “The Ten Commandments” in any children's story bible

Say: Why do you think, “You shall have no other gods before me" is the first commandment? (God wants us to put Him above all things. Before our toys, TV, even before our friends.)  What is an idol? (Anything that keeps you from spending time with God.)  “Honor your father and Mother" must be important because it too is on the list. Why? (Parents want what is best for their children, so they teach and guide them. Children are still learning and really don't know everything yet.)
The Ten Commandments are hard to follow.  
Everyone has failed one time or another. However, the 10 Commandments are a gift and not a burden.  God gave us the 10 Commandments so we can have a better relationship with God through them.  Keeping the 10 Commadments is not what makes us Christians.  What makes us Christians is placing our faith in Jesus. Through Jesus, our sins are forgiven. Because He died on the cross for us, we have everlasting life with God. If you would like to know more about that you talk to one us, your parents, or Pastor. 

Big Idea
God gave us the 10 Commandments so we can have a better relationship with God through them. 

Memory Verse
People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” – 1 Samuel 16: 7 

Prayer- Ask for Joys and Requests
Say a prayer thanking God for loving us and for giving us the 10 Commandments.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Youth Discussion : Children of the light

Bible Verse 1: Ephesians 5:8-20
Video:  “Light Shines”

Five Questions:
1.     Hey who turned out the light?  Are you afraid in the dark or of the dark? Why?
2.     The passage we read is from a letter by Paul about how to behave in the world, to live in the light and avoid the darkness.  Tell some things that people do in the dark.
3.     The video is about Jesus, His life, crucifixion, resurrection and His being “light”. “Light” is mentioned around ninety times in the New Testament.  What kind of “light” do you think Jesus talked about?
4.     Sometimes we want to do things that we know are wrong or bad for us and others.  What could help us avoid these things? 
5.      How can we trust that God wants us to live in the “light”?  What bright lights has he given us?

Close in prayer and ask for prayer requests.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

David is Chosen

Say: Today’s story is found in the Old Testament of the bible.  In this story God chooses an unlikely hero to the next king of Israel.  In this story each time you hear the word, king you will say, “All hail the king!” Let’s practice once… “All hail the king!”

Read “David is Chosen” in any children's story bible  Pause when appropriate.

Say: Why did God choose David as king? (He had a kind heart, he was filled with joy and love)  How did God know that David would be a good king? (God looked past his outside, and saw who he was inside) 
God knows us inside and out!  What do you think God sees inside of you? (Allow time for kids to answer) 
Even though God had many brothers to choose from, God chose David to be king.  God saw inside David, and knew he was the right person to become king!  God sees and loves you inside and out too!
Big Idea
God sees and loves you inside and out just like David!

Memory Verse
People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” – 1 Samuel 16: 7

Prayer- Ask for Joys and Requests
Say a prayer thanking God knowing and loving us inside and out!

Children will decorate and assemble a crown ( 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Children's church lesson: The Boy at the Temple

Say: Today’s Bible story comes from the book of Luke in the New Testament.  In this story Jesus is a boy.  During the story Jesus’ parents are going to call for him, yelling “Jeeeeeeesuuussss!!!”  When it’s time, you call for him too!  Let’s practice! (Jeeeeeesuuuussss!!!)

Read “The Boy at the Temple”  in any children's bible.  Pause when appropriate.

Say: What happened during the trip to the temple in Jerusalem?  (Mary and Joseph lost track of Jesus)  Where did Jesus’ parents find him? (In the temple).  Who did Jesus teach an talk with about God in the temple? (Teachers)
Who do you teaches you about God? (Affirm all answers)  Who can you teach about God? (take all answers)  What kind of things can you teach about God? (Affirm responses, highlighting those related to God’s love and the gospel). 
Even though Jesus was young in today’s story he knew as much about God as the grown-ups did!  In this story, the young Jesus even taught adults about God!  Even though you are young, you can teach others about God, just like Jesus did! 

Big Idea
Even though you are young, you can teach others about God, just like Jesus did! 

Memory Verse
Jesus grew, in size, wisdom and favor with God and the people.  – Luke 2:52.

Children will decorate and assemble “Jesus went to church craft).