Monday, January 20, 2014

Children's church lesson: Ruth

Say: Raise your hand if you have every felt sad.  Now raise your hand if you have ever felt happy.  Today’s story is about a woman named Ruth.  Just like us, Ruth had sad times and happy times.  When we read about something sad I am going to stop reading for a moment and we are going to act sad.  When I read about something happy we are going to pause and act happy. 

Read “Ruth” in any children's story bible.
What happened to Naomi’s family in Moab? (Husband died, sons married Moabite women, sons died) Which daughter-in-law refused to leave Naomi? (Ruth) How did Boaz show Ruth kindness? (Gave her food, told her to stay in his field, protection, water)
God took care of Naomi and Ruth.  God used Boaz to help and care for Ruth and Naomi.  God will take care of us like He took care of Ruth and Naomi.  God wants to use us to help others like he did Boaz.

Memory Verse

Trust the Lord with all your heart. – Proverbs 3:5a  

Big Idea
God will take care of us like He took care of Ruth and Naomi.  God wants to use us to help others like he did Boaz.

Prayer- Ask for Joys and Requests
Take a minute to see if the children have any prayer requests of joys.  Say short prayer asking God to help us trust Him, and help others.

Children will decorate cut out and assemble a Ruth TP craft (Directions:  , Template: 

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