Thursday, August 22, 2013

Children's Church Lesson: Sabbath Healing

Say: What day is it today? (Sunday) What kinds of things do you usually do on Sundays? (Go to church, spend time with family, eat together, etc.) Those are all great things to do!  Sunday is a special day for us.  Back in Jesus’ time Saturday was a special day.  In Jesus day people focused on what you should not do on the special day instead of what you should do.  Let’s see what Jesus thought about that.

Read: “The Woman Who Could Not Stand Up” in any children's story bible

Say:  What did God’s people call their special day and what was it for? (The Sabbath; worshipping God and resting)  What was the rule that the leaders made (You must not work on the Sabbath) What did Jesus do on one Sabbath? (He healed a crippled woman)  What did the leaders think about that? (They were angry because they though Jesus did work on the Sabbath)  How did Jesus say? (It is ok to do work if it is helping someone)
In Jesus time Sabbath was celebrated on Saturday today it is celebrated on Sunday.  The Sabbath is for worshipping God and resting.  The Sabbath is supposed to help us follow God.  The religious leaders were too worried about what you shouldn’t do on the Sabbath that they forgot what the Sabbath was really about.  The Sabbath, as well as all the other things we do to honor God serve the purpose of helping us love God and love other people.  Jesus said that helping others is a good thing to do on the Sabbath.   
Memory Verse
“Jesus is Lord, even over the Sabbath!” - Mark 2: 28

Big Idea
The Sabbath, as well as all the other things we do to honor God serve the purpose of helping us love God and love other people. 

Prayer (Take prayer joys and requests)
Say a thanking God for giving us time to worship Him and rest.  Ask Him to help us do good things on our Sabbath. 

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