Thursday, August 1, 2013

Children's Church Lesson: Elijah Goes to Heaven

Say: Have you ever been a helper?  When have you been a helper (let children answer) Have you ever had a helper?  When have you had a helper? (Get responses)  Today we are going to learn about Elijah’s helper.

Read “The Chariot of Fire” in The Beginners Bible.
Say:  Who did Elijah choose to be his helper? (Elisha)  Why? (He loved God)  What happened when Elijah’s cloak hit the water? (water parted) What did Elisha want? (To be like Elijah)  Where did Elijah go? (To heaven in a chariot of fire)  What did Elisha have after Elijah left? (God’s power)
Who are some people that you know that do God’s work? (Pastor, Parents etc – give time for responses)  Those are all good answers.  Just like Elisha we can learn from and be helpers to those people who follow God.  And just like Elisha We can be like those people and follow God and do His work ourselves. 
Elijah was taken up to heaven to be with God forever.  We will probably not ride a fiery chariot up to heaven like Elijah did but because of what Jesus did for us we too can go to heaven someday.  What did Jesus do for us? (Let children respond – died on the cross to take away our sins so we can be with him) That’s right! And what do we need to do (accept God’s gift, admit our sins and ask Jesus to take them away – believe that we can and will do that).  Yes! 
Memory Verse
When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me – John 14:3 
Big Idea
Elijah was taken up to heaven to be with God forever.   Because of what Jesus did for us we too can go to heaven someday.
Prayer (Take prayer joys and requests)
Say a prayer thanking God for loving us making a way for us to be with Him forever . Ask God to help us do His work.
Children will decorate, cut out and assemble their own Elijah and Chariot (

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