Thursday, January 15, 2015

Salt and Light

Say: What do your friends and family say that you are like? (take answers)  In today’s story Jesus shows us how we can be like salt and light.  Let’s take a look!

 Read “Salt and Light” in any children's bible (Matthew 5:13-17)
Say: Do you like salt? What does food taste like when there is no salt in it? (Let the children answer). When salt is added to some foods they taste much better. God put Christians in this world so that we can make the world better. Are you salt? Do you make this world better? Tell me some ways you make your school better? (Let the children answer and then go on to talk about ways they can make home, sports, etc. better by living a Christian life.)
What do you think Jesus meant when he said: “You are the light of the world”? Did he mean we are not human but that we are light bulbs? Of course not. He was saying a parable to tell the people something very important.  Many people in this world do not know about God. Jesus said that it is like they are in a very dark place. They need someone to give them some light so that they can see. When Christians obey God then it is like a light is shining. People see Christians doing good things and it makes them want to follow God.
When we live like Jesus and tell others what we he has done for them we are being like salt and light.

Big Idea
When we live like Jesus and tell others what we he has done for them we are being like salt and light. 

Memory Verse

Matthew 5:16 …let your light shine…

Prayer- Ask for Joys and Requests
Take a minute to see if the children have any prayer requests or prayer joys Say a short prayer thanking God loving us and asking Him to help us be like salt and light to the people around us.  


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