Monday, May 5, 2014

Communion (The Last Supper)

Say:  Today’s story is in the New Testament, the second part of the bible.  It is about a special meal that Jesus ate with his friends, the disciples.  The Story is called the Last Supper. 

Read “The Last Supper” in the any children's story bible (p. 462).
Say:   What did Jesus do for his disciples before dinner? (Washed their feet)  If you were at dinner with Jesus do you think he would wash your feet, too? (Yes) Why? (because Jesus loves me/us).  Why did Jesus want to eat this special meal with his disciples? (To show his love in a caring way). 
Jesus washed the disciples feet the disciples feet and ate a special meal with the disciples, to show how much he loved them.  We share a special meal in our church to helps us remember Jesus’ love too.  We call that meal Communion.  Jesus shows us how to love and serve. 

Big Idea
Jesus ate a special meal with the disciples, to show how much he loved them.  We share a special meal in our church to helps us remember Jesus’ love too.  We call that meal Communion. 

Memory Verse
Eat this in remembrance of me – Luke 22:19

Take time to see if children have any prayer requests or prayer joys.  Say a short prayer thanking for His Son and for communion.  

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