Saturday, February 22, 2014

Youth Group Discussion: Esther

Bible Verse 1: show the video first (it give a nice overview of the whole story)
Video:  Story of Esther

Bible Verse- Esther 7: 1-7

Five Questions:
1.     The story of Esther is like a novel.  The story of a powerful King, a pretty but poor girl and a relative to put them together.  Then a bad guy comes along to mess things up.  But they defeat him in the end.
Where is God in all of this?
2.     Why won’t Mordecai bow down to Haman in the streets?  
3.     In the story Mordecai isn’t just a relative of Esther’s; he’s an advisor, a friend and maybe even a father figure.  He gets the info on the plot to kill the king and tells Esther to tell him.  Why isn’t it the book of Mordecai in the Bible?
4.     Esther learns to trust Mordecai but she also learns to trust that the King, her Husband will do the right thing.  Her plan to tell the king about Haman at just the right time is brilliant.  Mordecai didn’t come up with this plan. Do you think it came from God? Why?
5.     Esther’s trust in Mordecai is powerful but she (and God) come up with the perfect plan.  How would you ask God to help you in times of trouble?

Close in prayer and ask for prayer requests.

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