Monday, December 29, 2014

The Wise Men

Say: Sometime after Jesus was born, some special visitors came to see Him. These visitors are known as the three wise men. Everyone has probably heard the Christmas carol that goes "We three kings of Orient are..." Without a doubt they were wise, because they were searching for Jesus in order to worship him and give him gifts.

Read “Wise Men” in any children's bible 
Say: What did the magi see that caused them to look for Jesus? (A star in the east.)  How did King Herod know that the magi would find Jesus in Bethlehem? (He asked the chief priests and teachers of the law, who knew the prophecy that said a ruler of the Israeli people would come from Bethlehem.)  What gifts did the magi give to Jesus? (Gold, incense and myrrh.) Besides giving gifts, what else did the magi do when they saw Jesus? (They worshipped Him.)
The Three Wise men were from A different part of the world than Jesus and his family.  They knew that God made a promise to send Jesus to save the whole world.  No matter what we look like, how we dress or where we come from,  Jesus came as a baby to save us all.  Thank you God for Jesus!  
Big Idea
Jesus came to earth to save us from our sins so we can live with him forever in heaven!   

Memory Verse
God loved the world so much that he sent his only so anyone who believes in him will be saved – John 3:16

Prayer- Ask for Joys and Requests
Take a minute to see if the children have any prayer requests or prayer joys.  Say a short prayer thanking God for love us and sending us his son.  Ask God to help us share the good news with others.  

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Youth Group Discussion: Tithing

Bible Verse 1: Leviticus 27: 30-34 (consider also reading Malachi 3:8-12?)
Video:  Skit Guys: The Skinny on Tithing

Bible Verse 2:  Luke 21: 1-4

Five Questions:
1.     Money is hard for people to talk about.  Does your family ever talk money?  How does the subject come up?  (as a parental beating “We can’t afford that!” or honest discussions)
2.     Can anyone give me a good definition of tithing?  You just read a couple of Bible passages and saw a video, what did they say?
3.     Why is God so worried about what we do with “our” money?
4.     Do any of you have a regular job or get paid for doing chores?  Do you have a lot of money?
5.     If you have little or no money, how can you tithe?  What other ways could you give to the church?
Leaders please mention the flyers for the trip to the Alpha Family Center this Sunday.

Giving is a tough subject to tackle. We live in a stuff-oriented culture. Wherever we turn, we’re reminded of more “things” we can accumulate. Everything in our culture says to gather and hoard, and the accumulation of possessions becomes a mad pursuit. God wants us to be generous, because it's a direct reflection of our priorities. Giving can be the elephant in the room, but developing this discipline is critical for spiritual health.
The tithing  is not just about giving what we owe God. It was a reminder that we owe everything to God.  Sharing is always an easier concept to grasp when you’re on the receiving end and not the one giving. With God, we are the ones who receive. Ultimately, God is the one who gives us everything. In Psalm 24:1, the Psalmist wrote that the earth and everything in it belong to God. That covers it all. Everything belongs to God because he is the creator of everything!
God wants us to give joyfully.  Tithing is one important way to worship God, even though many Christians may not think of it in those terms. We give our tithe and offerings because of our love for God, not because we are required to give.
You may be thinking, well I don’t have anything I can give to God, I have no income. Giving to God is more than giving money. All of us have twenty-four hours in a day. We can give God a tenth of our day in studying and meditating in the Word and praying. We can give a tenth of our time to pray for the needs of others.  We also give our talents to God, finding ways to serve God and others with our skills. 

Close in prayer and ask for prayer requests.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


 (Show the cover of the story) Say: This is Joseph.  Look at that fancy coat he is wearing!  Listen carefully to hear Please help me tell the story today!  When Joseph is having a good day put your thumbs up.  When Joseph is having a bad day put your thumbs down.

Read:  “Joseph" the Favorite Son” in any children's story bible 
Say: What happened in this story that was thumbs up? (Joseph got a new coat, Became ruler in Egypt).  How did Joseph’s first thumbs up moment make his brothers feel? (angry, jealous)  What happened that was thumbs down? (thrown in a pit, became a slave, thrown in jail). 

Joseph’s life had lots of good things and bad things.  Do you remember who was with him no matter what? (God).  Right, God was with Joseph, even during thumbs-down times.  We can trust God to be with us in good and bad times too!

Big Idea
We can trust God to be with us in good times and bad times, just like he was with Joseph.      

Memory Verse
Trust in the Lord with all you heart. – Proverbs 3:5a

Prayer- Ask for Joys and Requests
Say a prayer thanking God for sending his son to save us and for his return someday. 

Children will color cut out and assemble the colorful coat craft (  

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Youth Group Discussion: All In-Trusting God (Philippians 3:4-14)

Courtesy of Michael Walden

Bible Verse 1: Philippians 3: 4b-14
Video:  Skit Guys “What keeps you from following God?”

Bible Verse 2:

Five Questions:
1.     In the passage from Philippians, Paul talks about what? Tell me in your own words.
2.     What does it mean to you to “trust’ God more than you “trust” yourself?
3.     The video is about stuff that stops us from following and trusting God. What keeps you from following God?
4.     When you were little kids trying to do something and your dad or mom tried to help, what did you say to them?  Why did your parents try to help you?
5.      Tell me three things this week that we can do to trust God instead of ourselves.

Close in prayer and ask for prayer requests. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Children's Lesson: The Ten Commantments

Say: Today’s story is found in the Old Testament of the bible.  Raise your hand if you have heard of the 10 Commandments.  Today’s story is about how God gave the 10 Commandments to his people through Moses.

Read “The Ten Commandments” in any children's story bible

Say: Why do you think, “You shall have no other gods before me" is the first commandment? (God wants us to put Him above all things. Before our toys, TV, even before our friends.)  What is an idol? (Anything that keeps you from spending time with God.)  “Honor your father and Mother" must be important because it too is on the list. Why? (Parents want what is best for their children, so they teach and guide them. Children are still learning and really don't know everything yet.)
The Ten Commandments are hard to follow.  
Everyone has failed one time or another. However, the 10 Commandments are a gift and not a burden.  God gave us the 10 Commandments so we can have a better relationship with God through them.  Keeping the 10 Commadments is not what makes us Christians.  What makes us Christians is placing our faith in Jesus. Through Jesus, our sins are forgiven. Because He died on the cross for us, we have everlasting life with God. If you would like to know more about that you talk to one us, your parents, or Pastor. 

Big Idea
God gave us the 10 Commandments so we can have a better relationship with God through them. 

Memory Verse
People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” – 1 Samuel 16: 7 

Prayer- Ask for Joys and Requests
Say a prayer thanking God for loving us and for giving us the 10 Commandments.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Youth Discussion : Children of the light

Bible Verse 1: Ephesians 5:8-20
Video:  “Light Shines”

Five Questions:
1.     Hey who turned out the light?  Are you afraid in the dark or of the dark? Why?
2.     The passage we read is from a letter by Paul about how to behave in the world, to live in the light and avoid the darkness.  Tell some things that people do in the dark.
3.     The video is about Jesus, His life, crucifixion, resurrection and His being “light”. “Light” is mentioned around ninety times in the New Testament.  What kind of “light” do you think Jesus talked about?
4.     Sometimes we want to do things that we know are wrong or bad for us and others.  What could help us avoid these things? 
5.      How can we trust that God wants us to live in the “light”?  What bright lights has he given us?

Close in prayer and ask for prayer requests.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

David is Chosen

Say: Today’s story is found in the Old Testament of the bible.  In this story God chooses an unlikely hero to the next king of Israel.  In this story each time you hear the word, king you will say, “All hail the king!” Let’s practice once… “All hail the king!”

Read “David is Chosen” in any children's story bible  Pause when appropriate.

Say: Why did God choose David as king? (He had a kind heart, he was filled with joy and love)  How did God know that David would be a good king? (God looked past his outside, and saw who he was inside) 
God knows us inside and out!  What do you think God sees inside of you? (Allow time for kids to answer) 
Even though God had many brothers to choose from, God chose David to be king.  God saw inside David, and knew he was the right person to become king!  God sees and loves you inside and out too!
Big Idea
God sees and loves you inside and out just like David!

Memory Verse
People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” – 1 Samuel 16: 7

Prayer- Ask for Joys and Requests
Say a prayer thanking God knowing and loving us inside and out!

Children will decorate and assemble a crown ( 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Children's church lesson: The Boy at the Temple

Say: Today’s Bible story comes from the book of Luke in the New Testament.  In this story Jesus is a boy.  During the story Jesus’ parents are going to call for him, yelling “Jeeeeeeesuuussss!!!”  When it’s time, you call for him too!  Let’s practice! (Jeeeeeesuuuussss!!!)

Read “The Boy at the Temple”  in any children's bible.  Pause when appropriate.

Say: What happened during the trip to the temple in Jerusalem?  (Mary and Joseph lost track of Jesus)  Where did Jesus’ parents find him? (In the temple).  Who did Jesus teach an talk with about God in the temple? (Teachers)
Who do you teaches you about God? (Affirm all answers)  Who can you teach about God? (take all answers)  What kind of things can you teach about God? (Affirm responses, highlighting those related to God’s love and the gospel). 
Even though Jesus was young in today’s story he knew as much about God as the grown-ups did!  In this story, the young Jesus even taught adults about God!  Even though you are young, you can teach others about God, just like Jesus did! 

Big Idea
Even though you are young, you can teach others about God, just like Jesus did! 

Memory Verse
Jesus grew, in size, wisdom and favor with God and the people.  – Luke 2:52.

Children will decorate and assemble “Jesus went to church craft).  

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Children's Lesson: Jesus the Vine

Say: Show children the plant (already in the Jams room).  Ask them, what will happen to one of these leaves if I pull it off from the plant? (It will die).  In today’s story, Jesus will compares his followers to the leaves on this plant.  Are you ready?

Read “Jesus the Vine.” in any children's story Bible.

Say:  Who is the vine? (Jesus)  Who are the branches? (We are; Jesus’ followers) What did Jesus say was important? (To stay connected to him, to love eachother).
Just like a branch needs to be connected to the vine, we need to be connected to Jesus. We can do this by reading the Bible and coming to church. We can also learn that just as a branch should give us grapes, we should be doing good things. Those good things by themselves don’t make us okay with God, but when we are spending time with Jesus we should want to good things. How about you? What good things can you do today? (allow for some answers). 

Big Idea

Just like a branch needs to be connected to the vine, we need to be connected to Jesus.

Memory Verse
Jesus said, “stay connected to me and my love” – John 15:5a


Take time to see if children have any prayer requests or prayer joys.  Say a short prayer thanking God for sending Jesus to save us and asking him to help us stay connected to him.  

Students will use templates to create a grapevine (find the template here:

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Children's church lesson: Zacchaeus

Say:  Today’s story is in the New Testament.  It is about a man who was very short, and had an unusual name.  Let’s find out what happened to him.  You can help me tell the story!  When you hear about someone being angry, make a mad face. When you hear about someone being too short to see, pretend to try to look over someone.  When you hear about someone climbing a tree, pretend to climb.  Are you ready?

Read “Zaccaeus” in the any children's story bible.

Say:  What was Zacchaeus like? (greedy, took money from other people)  What did Zacchaeus do when Jesus came to town? (tried to see him, climbed a tree)  What did Jesus do? (told Zacchaeus to come down, went to Zacchaeus’ house)  How did Zacchaeus change? (Served Jesus, paid people back, gave money to the poor)
Zacchaeus really changed didn’t he?  Before he met Jesus, Zacchaeus was greedy and getting as much money as possible, even if it hurt other people, was the most important thing to him.  After meeting Jesus, Zacchaeus realized that following Jesus was more important than anything else and he money stopped being so important to him. 
Jesus taught Zacchaeus to serve God and to serve others.  He did this by teaching him to treat everyone with care and honesty.  When we decide to make Jesus the most important thing in our lives, and when we are kind to and serve other people we serve God, too, because everyone is part of God’s family.  
Big Idea
When we decide to make Jesus the most important thing in our lives, and when we are kind to and serve other people we serve God just like Zacchaeus did.

Memory Verse
Jesus said “"If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways and follow me.” – Luke 9:23

Take a minute to see if the children have any prayer requests or prayer joys.  Say a short prayer asking God to help us make Jesus the most important thing in our lives.


Childen will make their own sycamore tree by decorating a tree template and attaching it to a toilet paper role (tree trunk).   

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Children's Church Lesson: The workers in the Vineyard

Say:  Today’s story is in the New Testament.  We are going to read a story that Jesus told to teach us something about God.

Read “The Vineyard Workers” in any children's story Bible
Say:  How much did the farmer give the first group of workers (A day’s wage) What about the other workers (A day’s wage).  What did the first group of workers feel about that? (They were angry).  What did the farmer ask the workers? (Are you upset because I am being generous?) 
God is generous like the farmer.  We don’t earn his love and we don’t earn salvation.  It is a gift.  Jesus died to give us that gift just like soldiers died to give us our freedom.  As Americans we are born with that freedom.  We can be reborn and have salvation if we accept that gift Jesus gave us.  
Big Idea
God is generous.  We don’t earn His love and we don’t earn salvation.  It is a gift.  Jesus died to give us that gift just like soldiers died to give us our freedom.  

Memory Verse
From God's generosity we have received on blessing after another.  John 1:16. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Jesus Calms the Storm

Say:  How many of you have ever been in a boat? (Wait for answers.)  It’s fun to be on a boat isn’t it? (Describe being on a boat. Perhaps you have a nice story of your own.) Our story today is about one time when Jesus and His Disciples went out in a boat on a great big lake.

Read “Jesus Calms the Storn" in any children's story Bible. 
Say:   What was Jesus doing when the big storm came up? (sleeping)  How did Jesus stop the storm? (He spoke and the water became calm.  What do we need to do when problems come in our lives? (trust Jesus and ask for His help)
Like the disciples, we may not trust Jesus completely. We may become afraid and panic in moments of fear.  How can we learn to trust Jesus more (take time for some answers).  These are all good answers!  Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes from listening to this message of good news—the Good News about Christ.” Reading the Bible and going to church are very important for many reasons. God’s Word is so encouraging. God speaks to us through the Bible and gives us strength and courage for every situation!
 Big Idea
We need to trust God.  We learn to trust God by reading about Him in the bible. 

Memory Verse
But when I am afraid, I put my trust in you.
 Psalms 56:3

Take time to see if children have any prayer requests or prayer joys.  Say a short prayer thanking God for protecting us and asking God to help us trust Him more. 

The children will make a calming the storm craft 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Communion (The Last Supper)

Say:  Today’s story is in the New Testament, the second part of the bible.  It is about a special meal that Jesus ate with his friends, the disciples.  The Story is called the Last Supper. 

Read “The Last Supper” in the any children's story bible (p. 462).
Say:   What did Jesus do for his disciples before dinner? (Washed their feet)  If you were at dinner with Jesus do you think he would wash your feet, too? (Yes) Why? (because Jesus loves me/us).  Why did Jesus want to eat this special meal with his disciples? (To show his love in a caring way). 
Jesus washed the disciples feet the disciples feet and ate a special meal with the disciples, to show how much he loved them.  We share a special meal in our church to helps us remember Jesus’ love too.  We call that meal Communion.  Jesus shows us how to love and serve. 

Big Idea
Jesus ate a special meal with the disciples, to show how much he loved them.  We share a special meal in our church to helps us remember Jesus’ love too.  We call that meal Communion. 

Memory Verse
Eat this in remembrance of me – Luke 22:19

Take time to see if children have any prayer requests or prayer joys.  Say a short prayer thanking for His Son and for communion.  

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Children's Church lesson: The Ten Lepers

Say: Raise your hand if you can remember a time when you were sick.  It’s not fun to be sick is it?  Today’s story is about ten men who were sick.  They had a sickness that wouldn’t go away.  They had a sickness called leprosy and no one knew how to make them better.  People with leprosy had to stay far away from other people, so no one else would get it.   In today’s story we are going to see what happens when Jesus meets these ten sick men.  
I need your help to read this story.  Every time someone peeks out from somewhere peek out form behind your hands and every time someone yells, you yell the same thing!

Read “Ten Lepers” any children's Bible. 
Say:   What was the problem the men had in the story? (They were sick, had leprosy)  What did Jesus do for the men in our story? (He made theme well, healed them). 

Jesus helped all ten men, but only one of them remembered to thank Jesus.  God helps us just like he helped these ten men.  Sometimes it’s easy to forget about all the wonderful things God does for us, just like the 9 men forgot to thank Jesus for healing them.  It’s important to remember to be thankful for all that God has done for us! 

Big Idea

It’s important to remember to be thankful for all that God has done for us! 

Memory Verse
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! – Psalm 107:1a

Take time to see if children have any prayer requests or prayer joys.  Say a short prayer thanking God for taking care of us and asking Him to help us to be thankful.

Children will make a leper sticky puppet.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Children's Lesson: The Poor Rich Man (Rich Fool)

Say: Have you ever had a hard time sharing?  Why is it hard to share? (Let children share)  Do you think it is important to share? (Yes)  Today we are going to read a story that Jesus told about a man who didn’t share. 

Read “The Poor Rich Man” (The parable of the rich fool) from any children's story bible.

Say:  Why was the man happy? (He had a lot of grain, he was rich)  Why was God not happy with the man? (Hoarded his money, Relied on money instead of God)  Did the man get into enjoy his money? (No, died and couldn’t take the money with us).
The man in the story was Greedy.  Greed means hanging onto money very tightly so that you don’t seem to care about anything else. Like the monkey that gets caught by hanging on to money, we can also get trapped by money. We can be so concerned about hanging on to our money that we forget about other people in need and we can even forget about God. Jesus said that happiness is not found in having lots of money and lots of “things.”
Money and nice things aren’t bad.  They are can be enjoyed, but sometimes we are tempted to put collecting money and nice things above loving God and above caring for people.  God wants us to love him and help people instead of being Greedy. 

Memory Verse
19 “Don’t store up treasures here on earth... 20 Store your treasures in heaven. – Matthew 6:19-20

Big Idea
God wants us to love him and help people instead of being Greedy.  

Prayer- Ask for Joys and Requests
Say a short prayer asking God to help us share and to love God and other people more than collecting things. 

Children will decorate cut out and assemble the barn craft (

Monday, March 3, 2014

Jesus Tempted

Say:  Have you ever wanted to do something that you knew was wrong? (Yes) We call that being tempted.  Sometimes it’s tempting to make bad choices.  Did you know that Jesus was tempted to?  Today we are going to read a story about Jesus being tempted.  Jesus beat temptation becomes he was able to say “No” to bad choices.  When the devil tries to tempt Jesus in our story, I need you to help me by yelling “No!”  Can you do that?  Awesome!  Let’s get to the story! 

Read “Jesus Tempted” from any story bible

Say: Who tempted Jesus? (the devil) What did the devil tempt Jesus with? (Food/bread, king/power, jump/test God).  How did Jesus beat the temptation? (remembered what God said in his word-the bible). 

When the devil tempted Jesus he was able to remember what the bible said and it helped him to make the right choice.  How did Jesus know what the bible said? (He read it/memorized it).  That’s right.  The bible can help us beat temptation, just like it helped Jesus.  What do we need to do so the bible can help us? (learn what it says) We need to study the bible the way Jesus did, to learn what it says.  That way the bible can help us to make the right choices, just like it helped Jesus.

Memory Verse

All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and make us realize what is wrong in our lives. – 2 Timothy 3:16    
Big Idea
The bible can help us beat temptation, just like it helped Jesus.  We need to study the bible the way Jesus did so we will know what to do. 

Prayer- Ask for Joys and Requests
Take a minute to see if the children have any prayer requests or prayer joys.  Say a short prayer thanking God for giving us his bible to help us beat temptation. 

Sing the books of the bible song (YouTube)