Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Children's lesson: Work it Out (Matthew 18:15-20)

Scripture Reading
Say: Have you ever done something that was not so nice? 

It's hard to admit, but I bet we can all think of times that we haven't been as kind as we could have been. And I bet you can also think of times that others have been unkind to you. 

So here's a question: What should we do about it? 

That's a pretty easy question when we're the ones who are wrong, isn't it? What's the right thing to do when we've been unkind in some way? (Apologize - and change our behaviors.) But what about when others are unkind to us? 

What's the best way to solve that problem? (Solicit children's answers)  Sounds like you have some very good problem solving skills!

Jesus says that when others have sinned against us - and done something unkind - that the first thing to do is have a talk with them. Most of the time when you have a problem talking it over can get things fixed, can't it?

If that doesn't work, maybe we need to some help? Sometimes asking a friend or two can really make things better.

And when none of that works, sometimes we just need to take a break - don't we? 
Sounds like your ideas are a lot like Jesus' when it comes to solving problems. Keep those good ideas in mind this week, ok?

In tonight's Gospel Jesus teaches a lesson about problem solving in our relationships with others - and what he suggests sounds similar to some of your ideas.   Let’s see what Jesus has to say

Read Matthew 18:15-20  from The Message

15 "If a fellow believer hurts you, go and tell him - work it out between the two of you. If he listens, you've made a friend. 16 If he won't listen, take one or two others along so that the presence of witnesses will keep things honest, and try again. 17 If he still won't listen, tell the church. If he won't listen to the church, you'll have to start over from scratch, confront him with the need for repentance, and offer again God's forgiving love. 18 "Take this most seriously: A yes on earth is yes in heaven; a no on earth is no in heaven. What you say to one another is eternal. I mean this.  19 When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. 20 And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I'll be there."

Today our Gospel story Jesus tells us how to work things out with other people.

Jesus says that when others have sinned against us - and done something unkind - that the first thing to do is have a talk with them. Most of the time when you have a problem talking it over can get things fixed, can't it?

If that doesn't work, maybe we need to some help? Sometimes asking a friend or two can really make things better.

And when none of that works, sometimes we just need to take a break - don't we? 
Sounds like your ideas are a lot like Jesus' when it comes to solving problems. Keep those good ideas in mind this week, ok?

Jesus asks us to work things out and to remember that the other person is a loved child of God just like we are--and Jesus promises to be with us even when we are angry or in a fight with someone else. You can take anytime in your life and Jesus promises to be there with you and with the other person. 

Memory Verse
15 "If a fellow believer hurts you, go and tell him - work it out between the two of you. If he listens, you've made a friend. – Matthew 18:15

Big Idea
Jesus asks us to work things out and to remember that the other person is a loved child of God just like we are.

Prayer- Ask for Joys and Requests
Say a prayer thanking God for his love, and for sending his son, Jesus, so that we can live forever with Jesus.  Ask God to help us be forgive others. 

Forgiving Heart Craft: Download free PDF:

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