Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Children's Church Lesson: Elijah and the Widow

Say: God takes care of each one of us in many special ways.    Today we’ll be reading a story about a miracle God did to take care of his follower, Elijah. What is a miracle? (When God does something that seems impossible/that only He can do)  Lets read the story!

Read “Elijah and the Widow” in any children's story bible.

Say:  Have you ever felt really hungry before? What did the widow do for Elijah-even though she was extremely hungry? (She served him first, even though she did not have very much.) Do you think that this was an easy thing for her to do? What if you only had a little bit of food—could you share it with a friend?  What miracle did the Lord do for the widow? (He kept her jar of oil and her container of flour filled until it started raining again.) This miracle happened because Elijah and the women both trusted God to take care of him. 
Elijah and the women trusted God to take care of them and He did.  God wants us to trust Him to take care of us too.  What are some ways that God takes care of you? (Let the children give their answers)  God will take care of us like He took care of Elijah and the women.   

Memory Verse
I am with you always. – Matthew 28:20

Big Idea
God will take care of us like He took care of Elijah and the women.  He wants us to trust Him to take care of us.

Prayer (Take prayer joys and requests)
Say a prayer thanking God for loving us and taking care of us. Ask God to help us to trust Him. 

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