Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Children's Church Lesson: Prodigal Son

Say: Raise your hand if you sometimes make bad choices.  (Give children time to raise their hands).  We all make bad choices don’t we.  Some people make more bad choices than others.  Today’s story is about someone who made bad choices and what Jesus had to say about it.  In the story there will be times when people are mad or happy.  We need to give our best mad or happy face at those times.  OK?  Good!
Read “The Prodigal Son” in the any children's story bible allowing the children to respond when appropriate.

Say: Why were some people mad at the beginning of our story? (Jesus spent time with people who had done bad things)   What did Jesus do when he heard them grumble? (Told a story)  What did the younger son do in the story? (Took his father’s money and left)  What happened to the younger son? (He spent all his money and had to come back home, to be a servant)  What did his father do when he came back home? (His father was happy and welcomed him back)  How did that make the older son feel? (He was mad).  What did the father say to him? (You are always with me but your brother was lost and now he is found).  Why Did Jesus tell the story? (So people would know that when people who do bad things change and live like God wants, Jesus forgives them and is happy)  That’s right!  Everyone makes bad choices sometimes but when we ask for forgiveness and try to do what God wants Jesus forgives us and he is happy.  We need to remember that Jesus wants to forgive the people around us who do bad things and wants them to live for him.

Memory Verse
We had to celebrate this happy day. For your brother was lost, but now he is found! – Luke 15:32

Big Idea
Everyone makes bad choices sometimes but when we ask for forgiveness and try to do what God wants Jesus forgives us and he is happy.  We need to remember that Jesus wants to forgive the people around us who do bad things and wants them to live for him.

Take a minute to see if the children have any prayer requests or prayer joys.  Say a short prayer thanking God for giving his forgiveness and asking him to help others learn to follow him.

Pick a song from any music DVD (from VBS or Sunday School curriculum).  Consider using the same song for several weeks in a row and then having your group sing it during church (to showcase your ministry).
There are numerous free coloring pages and craft ideas available online; choose one that works for you.

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