Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Youth Group Discussion: Prepare the Way!

Opening Hangout/Game Time: Check out or  for ideas.

Bible Verse 1: Isaiah 40: 3-5
Video: You Tube – “The Jesus Memo” -

Bible Verse 2: Luke 3:4-6

Five Questions:
1.     Who is John in this passage from Luke and why did it quote Isaiah
from 600 years before?
2.     Why did Luke want to tell us about the past and about the future by    
using this passage?
3.     Christmas is over and it’s a new year.  Did the “Jesus Memo” make
you think about the past, the future? Why?
4.     Will you help “Prepare the way for the Lord’s coming”? What would that mean for the new year?
5.     Is there anything in the “Jesus Memo” that you could do to help “all people see that salvation (is) sent from God”?

End with a wrap up (5 minutes or less)

- Created my Michael Walden, Youth Director at Rockford United Methodist Church

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