Bible Verse 1: 1 Corinthians
Video: Claymation of 1 Corinthians 12 (
Bible Verse 2: Matt. 25:14-28(
Video: Lego Parable of the
Five Questions:
- You know you are better at some things than
others, you have skills or abilities that make you unique. Did you know that you have gifts from
God? How do you feel about that?
- What kind of Spiritual Gift do
you think you have? Do you think
your gift makes you unique?
- Now that you know you have a
Spiritual Gift, how should you use it?
- What would it look like to
trust God to show you where and how to use your gift?
- Last week we talked about
listening to God. Have you tried to
listen to Him this week? Try to
listen to him this week and trust that he will show you what part of the
body of Christ you are.
in prayer and ask for prayer requests.